With his instincts and fast thinking capabilities, Zack Golditch has been able to become the undrafted rookie free agent in NFL this season. There are also the two things which helped him to survive the mass shooting incident back on July 20th, 2012.
Golditch on that night was watching the screening of Batman; The Dark night at the Century 16 movie complex located in Aurora, Colorado. Suddenly a gunman opened fire and killed off 12 people while wounding 70 other people. 58 of the injured were wounded by gunshots. That attack was considered one of the biggest mass shooting incident to occur in the US at that time.
Golditch who was only 17 years old at that time was one of the lucky survivors of this horrid incident. He was sitting in the adjacent movie theater when a bullet ore trough and razed his artery in the neck. He is only able to sign with Arizona Cardinals and to tell this in-depth narration of this incident all because of his instincts and fast thinking.
He told media, “I saw someone beside me get injured. Doctors later told me that the bullet was headed towards me and if I was in another position, it could have been a lot worse. I than ran out and called 911.”
Golditch survived the shooting because the bullet only entered right under his left earlobe and exited the left side of his neck and missing his carotid artery entirely.
Golditch after his full practice with Cardinals on Wednesday told media about that incident, “There is a lot of fragile stuff happening around the neck. I don’t know the whole anatomy but they told me that I was very lucky.”
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