Travis Frederick, the center forward of the Dallas Cowboys was diagnosed by the Guillain-Barre Syndrome; an autoimmune disease that put his career to a sudden stop by sapping his strength.
He was interviewed by the media on Thursday over the phone, “it was pretty scary there, and it was scary for a while.”
Frederick lost feeling in both his hands and feet. His hips also lost the ability to stabilize so he was limping in his walk which was putting extra pressure on his back. He lost 18 pounds of weight in just three months. He was drafted by Dallas Cowboys back in 2013 and anchored in the Cowboys’ offensive line group for 4 Pro Bowl seasons.
Frederick said, “I would say it is a dark and lonely feeling. There is nothing like the brotherhood of being able to play, work and sacrifice with the guys. But all of a sudden everything is taken away and someone else is working on our place.”
Now Frederick is moving toward better health as he started to lift some heavy weights to help him with his muscle atrophy. With plenty of rest and sleep, he is seeing a possible recovery in his future ahead.
Talking about his recovery Frederick said, “early on things were going down the hill but now with the slight improvements I can tell that there is light at the end of the tunnel”.
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