After the Spain’s national basketball team won the Basketball World Cup, they were welcomed by not only the thousands of people on the streets of Madrid, Spain, but also the Spanish king.
The trophy of the basketball World Cup was presented by the players to the Spain’s king Felipe VI and the Queen Letizia on Monday. The captain of the team Rudy Fernández, before posing for pictures with the king, placed the Gold Medal around the neck of the monarch.
After that, players were transported on top a big bus that went to the plaza where they were greeted by the fans eagerly waiting for the newly crowned world champions.
In the last Sunday’s final of the World Cup played between Spain and Argentine, held in China, Spain won over the opposing team by 95-75 and win their 2nd world title a the first one was back in 2006.
The trophy was also presented by the team to the caretaker of Spain, the prime minister named Pedro Sánchez.
According to Spain’s local media, the basketball match of Sunday was the most watched game of basketball in the Spain to be ever watched.
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