A black cat had found its fame following it causing a delay at the Sunday night game of football of Dallas Cowboys VS the New York Giants. The cat is still on the loose.
The stadium had set up numerous humane traps for catching this cat at the MetLife Stadium located in New Jersey. However, despite all these efforts, the staff had failed to catch this feline.
The stadium officials, in a statement, said, “We are sure that together we can all find this black cat that we have all fallen in love with.”
A trap, release, neuter and no-kill shelter has been enlisted by the stadium officials so far to help track the cat and if this cat is caught, it will then be assessed for either a new home or possibly for relocation.
The cat made the unexpected debut at the NFL during the 2nd quarter of the game which left 3 referees of the play to have no choice but to call the game off for 5 minutes delay.
Stadium Workers, alongside the state troopers of New Jersey, rushed and herded the cat to the end zone in their attempts to chase it away from the players.
However, the cat was not at all helpful as it did not leave the field at once. It was successfully directed to one corner of the end zone but then sprinted to the end line and ran up onto a camera platform.
It then finished its sprint to run along with the end line and then ran away not the tunnel under the cheers of the crowd.
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