Kofi Kingston is now officially the most reigning tag team champion of all times after retaining the belt for 954 days.
Kingston is currently the eight times tag team champion. In this current tag team title he came alongside Big E and Xavier Woods in the New Day.
One of his other renowned tenures was with R-Truth, CM Punk and Evan Bourne. His New Day title is also the longest recorded tag team title with an astonishing 483 days.
Kingston has now passed the former record holder Billy Gunn who held the tag team championship for gold title for 953 days as being the member of The Smoking Gunns, the New Age Outlaws and Billy & Chuck.
Kingston has also now topped the WWE Hall of Famer Mr. Fuji who ahs his tag team title for 932 days with Professor Tanaka and Mr. Saito.
The next scheduled defense SmackDown tag team fight of Kingston is against the tag team of Shamus and Cesaro that is going to happen at WWE Super Showdown on 6th October 2018.
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