Questions are being raised at the iconic Kobe Bryant’s not flinching moment. Maybe he did not flinch because he did not have a reason to flinch for.
NBA fans are considering this as a possibility on social media. A new angle video has surfaced of this incident which shows that Bryant was not appeared to be standing directly in front of Matt Barnes when Barnes suddenly faked an inbound pass in an old 2010 game.
This no flinching moment by Bryant has become one of the iconic moment of his NBA career. The video in which the Los Angeles Lakers point guard seemed unconcerned over the fact of a ball being thrown straight at his face.
However, a new overheard angle has come up which shows that at the moment, Bryant was swaying back and forth when Barns who was playing for Orlando Magic at that time, faked a pass. At that time Bryant did not appear to be standing right in front of Banes.
Some social media NBA fans have lamented over the reality of this fake pass while others are still arguing that ball was still faked pump close to Bryant’s face.
As what Bryant thinks of this whole thing, he said to media that, “you gotta remember that I was swaying at that time. He did it but I did not balk”.
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