World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) is defending its decision for RUSADA’s (Russian Anti Doping Agency) reinstatement into the Olympics.
RUSDA, which was formerly suspended since November of 2015 for the alleged doping charges on state level, has been recently reinstated by WADA earlier this week. The decision has not only been condemned by many top Olympic athletes but also from UK Anti Doping Agency who refers to this as “Deeply Troubling for the sport”.
Sir Craig Reed; WADA President told media that I have a written letter from Russian Sport’s Minster who has assured us that they are going to accept any condition imposed by WADA on to them for their reinstatement.
The statement Mr. Sir Reedie is as follows, “first of all they have accepted the Schmidt report and an important part in that condition which they also accepted is the involvement of officials from Ministry of Sport. Secondly they have also agreed to give us the access of the laboratory and the time we set to be December 31st. in my opinion if they Russian ministers were not prepared to make those guaranteed they would not have had agreed to them in the first place.”
He further stated, “It is currently better to move forward. In addition to this we need to access the data from 2800 samples that we need to look in. it is really important for us that we have a functioning anti doping agency n Moscow”.
He ended the talk to media by seeing, “I am not understating as to why people do not seem to move forward when Russia has clearly not sow nay hesitation and demanded any changes in our two conditions that we imposed on them”.
Seb Coe; president of the International Association of Athletics Federations released a statement that they are going to wait for an independent report before the decision for reinstating Russia is to be made”.
Mr. Reedie on the Anti Doping testing for 2020’s Tokyo Olympics sad to media that, “we are going to make every effort to ensure that every athlete who participates in the Olympics Games of Tokyo is a clean athlete.
I am personally not guaranteeing that we don’t have occasional sinners but the guarantee I am giving is that we are going to make every possible effort that it does not happen before the games.”
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