Fans of Hershey Bears set the record for most stuffed bears thrown on ice by throwing 45,000 stuffed bears

The American Hockley affiliate of the Washington partials was able to set a new record last Saturday night but that had little to do with the hockey game.

Hersey Bears fans participated in the promotion called Teddy Bear Toss as they threw a total of 45650 stuffed teddy bears on the ice rink after a goal was scored by their team in the 1st half of the game. All of the thrown bears will now be donated to numerous local charities that will give them to children.

The previous record for most stuffed bears thrown on ice was also held by Hershey Bears but it was for 34798 stuffed bears last year.  Before the Hershey Bears, the record was held by another team of the Western Hockey League, the Calgary who set their record back in 2015.

The fans of the Hershey Bears started throwing the stuffed bears on the ice as soon as Christian Djoos scored the goal for team as the Hershey Bears won the game in overtime by 4-3.

The silliest but most amazing part of this whole Toss the Teddy Bear promotion came when the players actually started piling up on those thrown teddy bears in moments of celebrating the win and the promotion.

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