Capitals fan let go the rivalry and gives up $19K raffle winnings to Penguins in their efforts to aid synagogue shooting victims

It is a well-known fact that Pittsburgh Penguins and Washington Capitals fans do not like each other one bit.

However, when it comes to helping the victims of mass shooting they do let go of their rivalry to help together with the victims of a mass shooting incident.

Capitals announced that they were going to donate half of their proceeds for the Wednesday night game’s 50/50 raffle to Pittsburgh Penguins to help them as they are aiding the mass shooting victims’ organization “Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh”. However, instead of the half, Pittsburgh Penguins received the full amount of the raffle as a Capitals fan gave up his share of the wining which was about 19000 dollars.

The money is intended to help the families of the victims of the 27th October shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue. In the incident, nearly 11 people lost their life.

The Capitals fans who told the media not to reveal his name said, “It is a check that I could never cut myself. I walked out of the arena nearly 100 dollars poorer. Still, I walked out richer in spirits with the knowledge that we have helped some folks that desperately needed help. It was not my money as it was destined to go back”.

Penguins until Thursday have donated nearly 350,000 dollars to the foundation.

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